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Mining AI - A New Era in Employing GPUs into a DePIN to Compute AI: A Full Breakdown

The AI Revolution

Not many people think or know much about GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), however, GPUs are playing a pivotal role in our digital world. With the use of GPUs initially being at the core of the video game and graphics industry, their utilization quickly moved into crypto mining and is now the lifeblood of the AI industry. 

With Sam Altman seeking a $7T investment into building a GPU manufacturing plant to have full control over the training, development, and computing of AI and NVIDIA’s profits skyrocketing in Q1, 2024, it is clear that hardware plays a key role in the future of AI. The truth of the matter is that these resources already exist in the form of idle GPUs that were previously used in crypto mining. 

2017 and 2018 witnessed a global surge in cryptocurrency mining, driven by increasing Etheruem and Bitcoin prices. With this, the usage of GPUs skyrocketed during this brief period, having individuals and companies alike building vast networks of hardware to mine digital currencies. However, as cryptocurrencies started to evolve towards proof-of-stake algorithms - these GPUs became obsolete.

Putting the two together, we have a solution and that is a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) for computing AI powered by the community-owned GPUs.

The NeurochainAI Solution - Introducing DePIN

At NeurochainAI, we are connecting the community-owned unused GPUs and CPUs into a global network, moving towards an era of “AI Mining”. This doesn't just reduce the need for producing new hardware, but it also democratizes the AI revolution. Unlike the traditional, centralized model of AI, where big platforms monopolize the hardware and data reaping all the benefits, DePIN enables community participation and fair, transparent rewards for all. 

The NeurochainAI methodology diverges from traditional blockchain mining algorithms. NeurochainAI leverages quantized models, particularly 4-bit quantization, for efficient AI model inference on consumer-grade hardware. This ensures that anyone with a GPU can contribute to and benefit from computing AI services, fostering an inclusive ecosystem.

Understanding the need to incentivize early adopters, NeurochainAI introduces a unique proposition: the first 128 participants to connect their GPUs and process 200 AI messages will receive a special GPU NFT. This NFT not only symbolizes early participation but also doubles the payouts for a designated period, significantly enhancing the value derived from contributing to the network. Not only that, NeurochainAI is incentivizing early adopters with an hourly rent for connected GPUs on top of AI messages processed.

While our network will not operate at full capacity from day one, we are committed to a robust growth trajectory. Early participants will see the value of their contributions grow over time, emphasizing the long-term benefits of joining the NeurochainAI network as it’s just kicking off.

For example, NeurochainAI doesn’t just stop at connecting GPUs, but rather are building an end-to-end ecosystem from the get-go where GPU supply meets the GPU demand. To ensure the usability of the GPU DePIN NeurochainAI already has the inference of 6 AI models running on the network, including some of the most popular open-source AI models -  Mistral, Vicuna, and Llama. The company is also launching customers’ AI bots on the network to ensure rewards to the community who trust us with their GPUs. This way, we are the first actually operational GPU DePIN network with running AI inference.

In a strategic move, and in anticipation of our upcoming launch, NeurochainAI is setting new standards for AI compute markets. Our network offers the capability to process AI messages at a 1000 times cheaper rate compared to the competition. This breakthrough rate is significantly undercutting current market prices, supporting our core model and commitment to democratizing AI and ensuring that it remains accessible and affordable. The collective power of community-owned GPUs allows for the efficient distribution of computing tasks, ultimately reducing costs without compromising on quality.

Processing Capabilities and Hardware Compatibility

The processing capacity of GPUs on the NeurochainAI network varies, influenced by factors such as context length, model complexity, and CUDA core count. Currently, a GPU can process one AI message at a time, with processing times ranging from 0.1 to 3 seconds. This efficiency makes it feasible for wide participation, further democratizing AI development. Regarding hardware capabilities, GPUs starting with 10 GB memory can effectively host models up to approximately 7 billion parameters. For larger models, which require more substantial memory, advanced hardware is necessary, guiding our future expansion plans.

Streamlined GPU Integration - How to Connect to the NeurochainAI GPU Network

Connecting your GPU to the NeurochainAI network is a simple and inclusive process, ensuring that users of varying technical abilities have the chance to participate. After registering with a wallet and following our simple copy-and-paste instructions for both Linux and Windows, you’re ready to reap the rewards. 

The simplicity of connecting GPUs stems from the belief that access to the AI revolution should not be limited by technical expertise. To further support this, our CEO’s direct involvement with the community seeks to actively incorporate member feedback into the ecosystem, prioritizing user experience and community involvement. This approach looks to foster a vibrant community while aligning with the needs of our members. 


The shift from crypto mining to computing AI through DePIN networks represents not just an evolution in technology usage but a leap towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future in AI. NeurochainAI stands at the forefront of this transformation, championing the reuse of existing resources, democratizing access to AI computation, and incentivizing early and sustained participation.

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